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Declaration of Value: Your Comprehensive Guide

In the preparatory phase before submitting the application for recognition, individuals are required to undertake a series of preliminary activities essential for correctly compiling the documentation requested by the competent authority. This extraprocedural phase is of high execution complexity for those not familiar with the process, often leading to incorrect completion and subsequent rejection of the application due to formal or substantive irregularities in the presented documentation.

The complexity of this procedure is further exacerbated by the lack of specific guidelines, which, when provided by the competent administrations, often present significant issues of criticality and contradiction, raising pressing questions for the applicant that are mostly difficult to resolve.

This extraprocedural phase involves the collection, collation, and preparation of documentation to be submitted to the administration responsible for receiving the title recognition application. The process varies according to the type of administrative procedure, the different administrations involved, and the legislation in the foreign country of origin concerning the legal value of the title and its legal effects. A fundamental document in most recognition applications is the Declaration of Value issued by the local consular diplomatic authority, the requirements for which may vary from one diplomatic office to another, as observed through professional experience.

These formalities in preparing the documents to demonstrate the possession of an educational qualification or professional title must be meticulously followed to hope for a positive outcome of the final decision by the administration, which will grant the title legal value in Italy. Procedures based on incomplete applications or lacking the required form will be denied as inadmissible or unprocessable. Furthermore, it is essential to note that foreign educational titles and certificates cannot be self-certified, unlike their Italian counterparts, in accordance with Article 19 of d.p.r. 445/2000. Therefore, they must be presented following specific rules set by the current Italian legislation to be considered and treated as valid documents.

The “Declaration of Value” (Dichiarazione di valore) plays a pivotal role within the administrative procedure for recognising foreign qualifications in Italy. This document, purely informative in nature, does not entail any formal recognition of the qualification it pertains to. It is issued exclusively by the Italian consular diplomatic authority in the foreign country where the academic or vocational qualification was obtained. Its primary purpose is to attest to the value of a qualification earned within an education system different from the Italian one, and it is issued solely upon the completion of the relevant course of study.

Despite a prevailing legal opinion that deems the Declaration of Value somewhat outdated—owing to substantial revisions by decree d.p.r. n. 148/2002 and its decreasing requirement by universities for qualifications obtained within the European Union—it remains an important reference document. It supports the evaluation process by competent academic authorities, offering a knowledge reference point about the education system of the origin country and the value of the qualification itself.

Significantly, the Italian Council of State (Il Consiglio di Stato) has stated that the Declaration of Value cannot be deemed decisive or discriminatory for qualifications obtained within the European Union. The public administration is obligated to provide due motivation concerning its decisions, which should not be based solely on the extrinsic aspects of skills and professional abilities as formally expressed by the Declaration of Value. Instead, a substantive evaluation should be made, utilising all available investigative tools at the discretion of the procedure’s responsible officer.

The Role of the Declaration of Value for EU Citizens

It is imperative to add that the Declaration of Value is not mandatory for European Union citizens who wish to have their qualifications, obtained in an EU country, recognised in Italy. However, for a more thorough evaluation of their qualifications, obtaining a Declaration of Value is highly recommended and often becomes an indispensable requirement by universities to formalise academic recognition. This recommendation underscores the document’s utility in providing detailed insights into the qualification’s origin, thus facilitating a more accurate assessment and recognition process within the Italian academic and professional landscape.

Concerning whether the Declaration of Value is indispensable for evaluating a foreign qualification, the Council of State has clarified that its omission from an application does not preclude a thorough evaluation by academic authorities. Following this and other judicial pronouncements, it would be inappropriate to assign a decisive and discriminatory role to the Declaration of Value in the recognition process of foreign qualifications.

Indeed, the competent authority should conduct a detailed examination of the congruence and coherence between the educational content of the foreign and Italian courses, using all available investigative tools and considering all involved aspects to base its judgment on substantive rather than formal elements. Thus, the Declaration should not act as a discriminatory factor but rather as an additional source of information to support the evaluation process.

The Declaration of Value is an official document issued in Italian by the local Italian consular diplomatic authority, providing essential information such as:

  1. A value attestation by the consular diplomatic representation, detailing the ECTS credits obtained (if applicable) and the duration of the attended course;
  2. The authority under which the qualification was issued;
  3. The educational institution where the courses were completed or attended;
  4. A confirmation that the issuing institution is officially recognised within the education system of the issuing country;
  5. An authenticated copy of the diploma, signed by the head of the educational institution;
  6. A brief description of the academic/school/professional training system relevant to the issued qualification, including the degree level achieved for access to higher education courses;
  7. An official certified translation of the qualification by the Consulate;
  8. The diploma holder’s details;
  9. The issuance date of the qualification;
  10. The registration number;
  11. The field, specialisation, and course of study;
  12. The duration of the study programme;
  13. The overall final examination average;
  14. The grading system in the country of issuance according to the officially recognised education system;
  15. Any qualification for professional practice obtained upon completion of the studies;
  16. A brief description of the national education system.


Purposes for Requesting a Declaration of Value

The Declaration of Value can be requested for various purposes, including equivalence or informal recognition for further studies in Italy, enrollment in doctoral programmes, academic recognition through a Rectoral Decree, and professional recognition for regulated professions.

– Equivalence or informal recognition of the qualification for further studies in Italy;

– Enrollment in an Italian university for a PhD accessible through scholarships or public competitions;

– Academic recognition of a qualification through a Rectoral Decree (equivalence process);

– Non-academic and informal recognition of the qualification for public competition participation (equivalence process);

– Professional recognition for practising a profession in Italy or for registration with the corresponding professional body, if the obtained qualification enables such.

In conclusion, the Declaration of Value is an essential document for the administrative process of recognition, aiming to describe the value of the qualification acquired in the country of origin. To obtain a recognition decree for a study qualification, authorisation to participate in a public competition, or a decree for the authorisation to practise regulated professions, it must be submitted along with other documentation to the competent Italian authorities, including universities for foreign degrees and PhD recognitions, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for public competitions, and the relevant Ministries for professional recognitions.

MMW Europe Ltd collaborates actively with all Italian consulates around the world and is capable of offering you support for the correct preparation of all your academic, school, or professional documentation, enabling you to request the Declaration of Value anywhere in the world. Our team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of the application process and understands the importance of presenting your qualifications in the best possible light. Whether you are seeking to further your studies in Italy, apply for a professional position, or validate your academic credentials, MMW Europe Ltd is here to guide you through each step of the process, ensuring your documentation meets the specific requirements of the Italian consular authorities. Trust in our expertise to facilitate a smooth and efficient process for the acquisition of your Declaration of Value, opening doors to new opportunities in Italy and beyond.